We ended taking Brody back into the pediatrician because he just wasn't getting better. His breathing was still so wheezy. The doctor came into the reception area and she heard Brody's erratic breathing and she brought him back immediately. They gave him a steroid shot for his lungs, started breathing treatments on him and they tested for swine flu. His test showed negative for RSV and swine flu, thank goodness. But he for sure had pneumonia. This poor guy was barely able to breath and he was just sick of being poked and nebulized. (is that a word?) Any woo, we are still on the mend. But good news, Austyn is going back to school on Monday!! She is probably soooo sick of me. It will be good for both of us. :)
But I have really struggled. I know I could never handle a chronically ill child. I stress so bad over them when they are sick. I lose my patience way too fast, I think thats because of my lack of sleep. And i really struggle with the never-ending neediness. I know what you are thinking- you are a horrible mother. I'm calling DCFS! But its hard to make a meal or do a load of laundry OR load the dishwasher when you have a hyperventilating (because he is trying to cry)child on the other side of the fence. (Yes, i fence off my kitchen, trust me, best idea we ever had). Its just been taxing. Poor Cody probably thinks I'm going to do something drastic like pick up drinking or go sneak outside for a smoke. Yeah, buddy this is what you married. Sorry if I lead you to believe i was good in stressful situations because I'm clearly NOT!!!!
3 days ago
Dont stress to much it gets better. I know how you feel, it gets old so fast and when you dont feel good either that is the worst. I am glad that Austy is better, I hope she stays that way. Poor Brody I want to love on him for you, poor guy!! I hope he gets better fast so you guys can relax and enjoy the holidays. Let me know if you need any help.
I'm the same way. It's hard. I've found that just letting everything wait and concentrating on them helps me. Just sit and watch a movie with them, even if the dishes are piling up. The clean up sucks when you get a minute, but then you won't feel so stressed. At least, that's what works for me when Cade is sick.
Hopefully this is the only time this winter that they will be sick!
melissa you are so funny. I get stressed too. My shower time is my time where I try and relax and take a much needed break and think about other things than my cute boys.
Oh man, I'm sure it's hard to see your little one sick like that. But I do know what you mean about the neediness. It's tough. You know they're not feeling well, but at the same time you still have responsibilities. A lot of people say just let the house go...but I'd get more stressed if I did that. So maybe you should alot time. -You clean as much as you can for one hour, then sit with Brody for the rest. Or maybe you could at least pee by yourself (it's hard, I've tried...I have to lock the door). Anyway, I'm probably not helping...but at least I tried right?? :-)
oh please, call DCFS we all know you are a wonderful mother and would be reacting the same way. Fencing off the kitchen is a great idea! I'm definitely going to start doing that. I hope Brody gets feeling better.
I love the fence idea. I gotta try that! Hang in there you are a great mom!
You are a fabulous mom! We ALL feel that way and if someone says they don't they are LYING!
Are you all mended yet?? I am so sorry that things have been rough. There is nothing worse than sick children, especially when they arn't big enough to understand. Hope you are all doing better and things have calmed down a little for you so you can enjoy your holidays!!
I read this a week ago and felt awful for you, but I had a crying baby in one hand so no comment . . . I'm sorry! It really stinks having kids that sick. They just need mommy every second. But who does mommy get? Not a maid like she wants. Hope it's better now. Those breathing treatments are what turned Josh into a TV addict. Oh, well, he breathes.
I hate Cham -she always knows what to say and she's got the most patience out of all of us girls. Kill her! Oh man that sounds terrible I'm sure glad it happened to you and didn't happen to me. JOKING! Doesn't that bug you that whenever you go to the hospital or clinics they automatically diagnose you with the H1N1? We got the H1N1- horrible I say horrible! Let me know if you need anything. Good luck!
I hope everyone is feeling better by now in your house!
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