I went to the OB today. Yep, we have set our date. This little man will come into the world via c-section on Mar. 3. Woo Woo. I'm stoked. I can't wait to see his little face, His chubbiness. Everything should be great, unless his arrival comes sooner, then I'll have to go through labor before they cut me open. That doesn't sound like fun. Austyn and Brody were both cesarean, if you are wondering so this little nameless wonder will follow in their steps. I just can't believe we are almost done. I asked the dreaded question to the nurse. So whats the official weight gain so far??? dun dun dun. 39 lbs. For me I was pretty excited to hear that number. I thought we were closer to 50. I guess it just looks like more. I was going to post some pics, really. But our camera is malfunctioning. Which brings me to the other subject.
Our car! Well, its Cody's. It needs a new fuel pump. I was at the credit union today and it wouldn't start. This is where my most awesome dad comes in. He is one of the smartest men i know. He knew exactly what the problem was. I just wanted to get the car home but I couldn't get it to start. So he pulls out his tools and tells me 'I learned this in the army'. He's never been in the army which makes it funny. He tapped a couple times on my gas tank and it started right up. We still need the new pump but at least he got it started for me to get back home. Oh, how I love my family. Guess how much a new fuel pump costs?? Anyone.... anyone? $700.00 dollars. That's about the average. But Cody's buddy, bless his heart, works at Pep Boys and will give us his discount. Man, are we lucky? Needless to say Cody is about to have a hernia. No joke. We have our savings, thank goodness for that. But when Cody has to dive into it, it about kills him. And then I get home and ask him to take pics of me (for you girls to giggle at) the camera won't work. Tack on another $200.00. Poor cody. Seriously though I couldn't help but laugh. What are the odds. He's going to go shoot something today (not people, just clay pigeons). That should relieve some of his stress.
For any of you who read all that, you must really love me. Thanks!
2 days ago
I must love you! You are freaking hilarious! Sorry about the fuel pump thing, and the camera...bummer! I totally just text messaged Ben today and put "dun dun dun" in it...So funny! I don't know why I told you that, I guess just a little tidbit of info that doesn't matter. You're dad sounds funny too, in the army. HA!
Oh yeah, when you get your camera working, or get a new one, I still want to see prego pictures. :-) And dude, you're doing great...I gain a ton (yes, about 2000) lbs when I'm pregnant.
Of course I read all of that :) That sucks. I have replaced one in my car too. I think I am driving like the oldest car in the world or at least it feels like it, I have had it for 9 years and really I think that is the only thing I have replaced. Thats funny, I really just want a new SUVer. Exciting about he offical day!!
What kind of car do you guys have?? We replaced our fuel pump for 198 bucks... but that was doing it ourselves... I'm sorry your camera and car are both broken! I haven't seen you in a while though, and I would like to see your cute little pregnant self, so let's get together before march 3!
How exciting to have the official day of your baby all set!!! It sucks that your camera and fule pump went out, but at least it's now and not RIGHT before this new little man comes. You are going to need that camera to take pictures of the cute little guy! Can't wait to see prego pics :) LOL I tell everyone that, but when it comes down to it and I get prego with our last baby I don't know if I will be so up for the prego pics of myself.
So since everyone wants preggo pics... come over to my abode and let me take a few! You know, since your camera is broken and all. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. ;)
It seems good on gas mileage so far. They filled the tank for us in Layton yesterday. We drove to Tooele to get the kids afterwards, back to Stansbury, to Tooele and back again today and we haven't even used a quarter of a tank. It's definitely better than our Trailblazer was!
yes i do love you, ever since we were kiddies in jr. band with our blue shirts and white shorts.
YAY! You have an end in sight!! You are so cute and make me laugh! It seems like when it rains it pours where money is concerned....
Ugh, fuel pumps, yep we replaced ours not too long ago, no dad here to fix it though, cost us close to a grand with labor.
Glad to hear your on the end stretch with your little guy, hoping the delivery is quick, easy and all parties involved stay healthy!
39 pounds is awesome!! I gained 44 with Dechlin. You look wonderful, all glowy and stuff :) Stinky on the car and even more stinky on the camera. Thank goodness for savings!! Can't wait to see your new little babe!
39 pounds that it? I freaking delivered at a whopping 184! I gained 54 pounds but lost it super fast. Ah the bliss of a healthy pregnancy. I say gaining 54 pounds is healthy because I gained all my weight from water, spinach salads, swimming 4-5x a week for 45 minutes, fruit, granola, water, lemon water, ice cubes all the healthy shiot. On my next pregnancy I'm going to not work out and eat all the chocolate covered donuts I can get my hands on. Watch out Michelin Man here comes Fae!
It sucks when things go wrong all at once. I think you should take Hayley up on her offer, I can't wait to see your cute belly! March is creapin' up...
Yay for baby!! March is a great time to have him! :) Tyler will already be ONE next month! I can't believe it! And I'm sorry all that other junk happened. I HATE car trouble...ick. Worst thing ever. Good luck getting it all fixed!
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